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Speech Therapy for children's

How Does Speech Therapy Help a Child’s Development?


Finding out that your child needs speech therapy can be a confusing experience. Like most parents, you may become anxious about your child’s future and wellbeing. The good news, however, is that speech therapy could be the pathway to your child’s freedom!

So, what exactly does speech therapy entail?

Speech therapy is a set of activities that aim to improve the art of communication. It focuses on speech delays and disorders in oral motor dysfunction, articulation, expressive and receptive language, social language, swallowing, cognitive speech, and feeding. Speech therapy for kids can positively impact a child’s development and make them more comfortable at home and school.

Benefits of Speech Therapy

Improves Communication

A speech therapist will work closely with your child to improve oral/verbal and nonverbal communication. For nonverbal communication our team of therapists will help with(e.g., making eye contact, understanding body language, facial expressions, etc). For oral/verbal communication our therapists will help children strengthen their speech muscles and help them learn to form sounds correctly. This will in turn help with fluency, articulation, volume, and quality of speech. Frequent exercising of oral muscles can further improve the chewing and swallowing processes.

Improves Social Skills

Children with speech disorders, especially those within the autism spectrum, may struggle with social cues or connecting words to emotions. A speech therapist will model correct grammar and vocabulary to help expand your child’s language. The therapist can also use tools such as video modeling, role-playing, books, social stories, and toys to make the language development process fun and enjoyable.

Helps with Reading and Writing Abilities

Speech therapy for children also focuses on the child’s literacy. A speech therapist can identify obstacles that are impacting a child’s reading and writing skills. The therapist can then link speech and verbal programs to help improve your child’s writing.

Improves Cognitive Development

The development of speech and communication is closely linked to cognitive development. Many reasoning processes are closely linked to the use of language, whether through internal thought processes or verbal communication. When speech abilities become enhanced, children get to improve their problem-solving and communication skills to support their cognitive development.

Improves overall quality of life

Speech therapy will reduce the communication frustrations that children experience while trying to communicate with their peers, parents, or teachers. It will also enable children to form and maintain relationships, understand other people, and be understood. Your child’s ability to communicate will undoubtedly improve the quality of his life.

Many people have a misconception that speech therapy for children only focuses on speech. However, speech therapy offers so much more! Our team of children’s speech therapists will work to improve your child’s fluency, articulation, verbal and nonverbal communication, and social skills. If you suspect your child is having speech or related issues, reach out to Milestone Therapy Group through the telephone number 610-753-5695. We will connect you to the best children’s speech therapist in Philadelphia. It doesn’t stop there; we also offer the best speech therapy for toddlers in Philadelphia, which can effectively handle your child’s speech and related disorders. You will not just be saving yourself the anxiety that comes from seeking multiple solutions, but also giving your child an opportunity to communicate effectively.

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