Milestone Therapy Group Milestone Therapy Group provides best therapy services for kids & toddlers like speech & occupational therapy, early intervention, Pre School, Kids & Evaluation Therapy in Philadelphia & Mainline. 40.0124652,-75.2137202
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Child speech therapy and occupational therapy

Child Speech and Occupational Therapy FAQ by Milestone Therapy Group


At Milestone Therapy Group, we understand that seeking help for your child can be overwhelming, especially if you’re new to speech and occupational therapy. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you better understand our approach to pediatric speech therapy and child therapy services we provide in the Main Line and Philadelphia area.

Q: What does child speech therapy and occupational therapy look like?

A: At Milestone Therapy Group our speech therapy sessions and occupational therapy session for children consist of meeting the child where they are currently and building upon their strengths. Our experienced therapists will find engaging activities that are of interest to your child and plan the strategies and goals into the activity. Communication needs, feeding needs, sensory processing needs, fine motor needs, and play skills are just some of the areas targeted that are conducted through a child led approach to engage and encourage children to build upon their skills. Pediatric therapy services can help children reach their full potential and improve their quality of life while providing strategies and recommendations for home practice for carryover.

Q: Who can benefit from child therapy services?

A: Children of all ages and abilities can benefit from speech therapy and occupational therapy services. Whether your child is struggling with language delays, speech sound difficulties, other communication difficulties, fine motor difficulties, gross motor difficulties, sensory processing difficulties, our experienced therapists can provide the support your child needs to help build upon their skills and increase their quality of life.

Q: What can I expect from child therapy services at Milestone Therapy Group?

A: At Milestone Therapy Group, our approach is a child led approach and strengths-based approach to speech therapy and occupational therapy services. Treatment sessions are designed to be interactive and engaging. Our experienced therapists work with children and their families to provide personalized support based on each child’s unique needs. Our goal is to help support children with varying needs and developmental difficulties reach their full potential in a supportive and nurturing environment with therapists that care.

Q: How long will speech therapy and occupational therapy last?

A: Each child is different in acquiring skills, so this is child dependent on an individual basis. With repetition, consistency and carryover of strategies at home, you will be creating an environment to best support progress for your child. Using strategies and recommendations paired with consistent therapy sessions, will provide the best support for your child to thrive and reach their goals. 

Q: How do I know if my child needs child therapy services?

A: If you’re concerned about your child’s development, it’s always best to seek the advice of a speech language pathologist or occupational therapist. If you have concerns about communication, play skills, sensory processing or feeding, our experienced therapists can assess your child’s needs and provide recommendations for future treatment sessions and suggestions for parents to begin implementing at home after your evaluation and answer questions you might have. 

Q: What are the benefits of child led therapy services for my child?

A: Child led therapy services can provide numerous benefits for your child, including increasing communication skills, increasing play skills, increased confidence and independence, and enhanced quality of life. Our experienced therapists work with children and their families to provide the support they need to reach their full potential in the clinic and carryover to home. At Milestone Therapy Group, our whole team is committed to providing the best child led therapy services in the Greater Philadelphia area. Our experienced therapists are dedicated to helping children achieve goals and skills to increase their quality of life and reach their full potential. Whether you are looking for pediatric speech therapy or occupational therapy services for your child, feel free to contact us for therapy services that will change your child’s life!

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