Milestone Therapy Group Milestone Therapy Group provides best therapy services for kids & toddlers like speech & occupational therapy, early intervention, Pre School, Kids & Evaluation Therapy in Philadelphia & Mainline. 40.0124652,-75.2137202

Occupational Therapy for Kids

Occupational therapists assist patients with achieving their highest level of function by finding ways to adapt their activities of daily living to best meet their needs. When hearing the phrase ‘occupational therapy’ one might think it is something adults will benefit from, however, occupational therapy is just as important for kids. A child’s occupational therapist can help children with fine motor skills such as holding a pencil, improve their abilities to participate in play activities and socialize with their peers, manage classroom activities with ease, feeding/eating challenges, and picky eaters as well as become more independent with self-care. 

Occupational therapy for children can be a great adjunct to other therapies and treatments. Some common diagnoses that may benefit from this type of therapy include autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy, developmental delays, fine motor weakness, Down syndrome, Spina Bifida, and muscular dystrophy. Whether the challenges are physical or cognitive, occupational therapy may be able to help.

Therapists can help children on the autism spectrum with self-regulating their emotions and responses. They can help with managing sensory issues as well. Other areas to address may include executive functioning and social skill management.

Cerebral palsy (CP) can be caused by damage to the brain before, during, or after birth. It can cause children to have difficulties with motor movement and tightness due to a decreased range of motion. Occupational therapists can help those with CP to increase their range of motion and stability, and improve control of their body. 

There are many different reasons why a child may have low tone or weakness in their muscles. Conditions such as Down syndrome, muscular dystrophy, premature birth, and developmental delays can cause a child to fatigue quickly due to inefficient use or control of their muscles. This may hinder their ability to keep up with their peers and access the world around them. Occupational therapists can help children find a more energy-efficient and practical way to participate in activities throughout their day both at home and school. This may include the use of assistive devices, adaptations in their environment, therapeutic exercise, accommodations, or other modalities. 

Per the World Health Organization (2022), approximately 1 in 100 children are on the autism spectrum. Sometimes a child may have tactile defensiveness where certain textures or temperatures bother him or her. This may carry over into eating, perhaps the child will gag, or worse, vomit when specific foods are placed in their mouth. Alternatively, sometimes a child may present with weak muscles in the mouth and have difficulty controlling the movement of food, or swallowing. Occupational therapy can help overcome these challenges.

When searching for a children’s occupational therapist, look no further than Milestone Therapy Group. The therapists understand that children need to engage and interact through play in their world. Kids learn through social interaction and by gaining the ability to experience their world firsthand. Milestone Therapy Group can help your child find their own way of doing so. They are able to assess a child’s individual needs and come up with a treatment program that is tailored specifically for them. Giving a child the gift of communication and independence will lead to a happy, thriving child. 


Speech Therapy for Children : What are the Benefits?

Speech therapy services can be a great benefit to kids. Speech pathologist services make a difference in your child’s ability to communicate. Effective communication is necessary, as it allows children to bond with the people around them in addition to getting their needs met. Communication affects their learning. They are more likely to understand new information or express themselves if there is something they don’t understand. Good communication skills can decrease behavior problems and help children to thrive in their environment.

Stuttering is one clear sign that speech therapy for kids is beneficial. Stuttering is also known as stammering. It is when a child has difficulty getting their words out and ends up repeating sounds in an effort to do so. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders claims that around 5-10% of all children will at one time in their life stutter. 

Some children may suffer from apraxia of speech. This occurs when a child has difficulty getting out the words that they want to say. It is a neurological disorder that impacts motor planning and results in the inability to properly plan and sequence the required speech sound movements.

Dysarthria is when there is weakness or difficulty controlling the muscles used in the production of speech. It is a result of damage to the muscles or nerves that are involved. These areas can include the mouth and vocal cords or even the diaphragm.

Lisping is a very recognizable speech impediment. The sounds in words do not come out correctly due to the poor positioning of the child’s tongue. Speech pathologists are good at deciphering what is happening in the child and addressing their needs.

Spasming dysphonia is what it sounds like. There is spasming in the vocal cords. This causes the sounds to not come out as they should (i.e., dysphonia). Sounds can present as trembling, shaky, or hoarse.

Cluttering, not to be confused with stuttering, presents as difficulty with the fluency of speech. Words come out unorganized and often very fast. To be considered cluttering, the child’s speech would need to include words that are repeated such as ‘um’, ‘so’, or ‘like’.

Sometimes a child may be mute and not talk at all or have a delay in speech development. Aphasia can be another disorder that is caused by damage to the brain like in a traumatic event.

Whatever the case may be, perhaps you find yourself looking for services for your child. You may search online specifically for speech therapy for toddlers near me. Milestone Therapy Group can help. Their speech therapists know the value of a child being able to communicate with their world. Their speech therapists can assess, diagnose and treat common speech disorders. They can address things such as difficulty producing sound, disconnect in thoughts vs sound production, auditory disorders, developmental delays, autism spectrum disorders, and more. So, don’t delay and give your child the gift of communication so that they can thrive and be part of the world that they so desire to interact in.

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